Training Topics Catalog
Since 1999, ATW Training Solutions has helped organizations unleash their human potential by providing award-winning products and services.
Popular Courses
Driving Difficult
When people problems arise at work, we have choices. We can manage troublesome situations the way many people do, ignore them. Or we can make a conscious choice to effectively confront issues —even when the issues are complicated, difficult, and lead us out of our comfort zones.
SLII® is the world's most taught leadership model, because it works! The foundation of SLII lies in teaching leaders to diagnose the needs of an individual or a team and then use the appropriate leadership style to respond to the needs of the person, team, and the situation.
Management Development Program
Since 2010, over 2,500 managers have unleashed their leadership potential by participating in ATW's blended-learning Management Development Program (MDP). Our Management Development Program helps managers transform critical skills into lasting habits.
with Empathy
Studies suggest that by being more aware of our connections with others and by increasing our empathy as we communicate and listen, we may reduce the risk of burnout while delivering exceptional service.
Exploring Behavioral Styles Using DiSC
Understanding behavioral styles can help us relate to others more effectively. The DiSC® profile will help you understand your dominant style, and the needs of people with other styles.
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
Teamwork starts at the individual level. In a modern workplace that is diverse, fast-paced, and constantly changing, how can individuals quickly build team cohesiveness and deliver results?
Raise the Bar: Improve Performance Through Feedback and Coaching
One of the most important responsibilities of managers is to provide employees frequent, straightforward, and timely feedback. In this session, participants learn how to reinforce good performance and to redirect poor performance.
Personal Accountability — It’s About Choice
With today’s speed of change and the constant need to do more with less, it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed in your job. If you work hard to keep your commitments, but something just gets in the way, then this workshop can help you hit the mark with your results.
Role of the Manager — Being a Successful Leader
What skills do you rely on to be a successful manager? What obstacles are you encountering that are keeping you from reaching your potential as a top-notch manager?
Leading Accountability —Challenge Accepted
Accountability – it’s one of the greatest challenges leaders face in today’s business environment. As organizations have grown lean, the pressure to deliver high-quality results has intensified. From the board room to the front line, leaders need to know how they can make accountability for results come alive in their people.
Manager Boot Camp
Many supervisors and managers are given the opportunity to manage others because they did their jobs well. Unfortunately, what got them the promotion doesn't always mean they will succeed as a manager, which requires a whole new set of skills.
People Smarts:
Emotional Intelligence
Today there is a growing body of science in the emerging field of emotional intelligence, indicating that proper understanding, and use of, emotions can be critical to helping us be more effective workers and better communicators.
Building Trust
The level of trust employees have with colleagues or a leader determines how well they work together, listen to one another, and rely on each other to get things done. While almost all employees consider trust in the workplace to be important, only 39 percent of US employees say they trust the senior leaders at their organizations.
Networking With Style
As Danny Beyer, author of The Ties That Bind: Networking with Style and co-author of this course says, “We are all essentially networking all of the time, we just don’t realize it!”. Let us help you reframe your thinking regarding what networking is.
Courageous Inclusion
Teaching those about a mindset that promotes diversity and inclusion, as well as a process to become more knowledgeable and active proponents of inclusion in their workplace.
Building Your Influence
How is it that some people not only have ideas—but get them implemented? Successful individuals understand how to influence others in a manner that gets buy in and gets their audience to take action.
Problem Solving in the Workplace
Nearly everyone in the workplace is expected to solve problems. Frequently, however, people deal with symptoms rather than the underlying “root cause” of problems. Implement the five-step problem solving model into your organization.
Peer to Peer Feedback
Feedback by nature is our reaction and response to the things happening around us and can be a critical element of success for teams and organizations if done correctly. Done wrong, it can cause confusion, conflict, and chaos.