Accountability – it’s one of the greatest challenges leaders face in today’s business environment. As organizations have grown lean, the pressure to deliver high-quality results has intensified. From the board room to the front line, leaders need to know how they can make accountability for results come alive in their people.
In this fast-paced workshop you will learn how to see and think differently about accountability for you and your organization. You’ll learn how to create a culture in which people choose personal accountability. In the accountable workplace, people own their commitments and the actions required to meet them. And they accept accountability for their results.
In this session, participants will:
Explore what it takes to be personally accountable, and make personal accountability a choice for those they lead
Define clear results within their organization, to drive accountability
Determine actions required to achieve key results
Evaluate the level of trust and feedback in their workplace, to promote accountability
Pricing Information
$295 per person.
Contact your Business Development Executive for volume pricing.