Manager Boot Camp


Many supervisors and managers are given the opportunity to manage others because they did their jobs well. Unfortunately, what got them the promotion — their technical job skills, doesn't mean they will succeed as a manager. Being a manager requires a whole new set of skills.

In this manager "boot camp", individuals will build on the skills they bring to management and learn a new survival kit of essential management skills. This full-day training session provides practical "real life" examples, scenarios and techniques to enable managers to navigate their landmines.

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Many supervisors and managers are given the opportunity to manage others because they did their jobs well. Unfortunately, what got them the promotion — their technical job skills, doesn't mean they will succeed as a manager. Being a manager requires a whole new set of skills.

In this manager "boot camp", individuals will build on the skills they bring to management and learn a new survival kit of essential management skills. This full-day training session provides practical "real life" examples, scenarios and techniques to enable managers to navigate their landmines.

Many supervisors and managers are given the opportunity to manage others because they did their jobs well. Unfortunately, what got them the promotion — their technical job skills, doesn't mean they will succeed as a manager. Being a manager requires a whole new set of skills.

In this manager "boot camp", individuals will build on the skills they bring to management and learn a new survival kit of essential management skills. This full-day training session provides practical "real life" examples, scenarios and techniques to enable managers to navigate their landmines.