The Difference Between Feedback and Coaching

People sometimes consider feedback and coaching to be the same, when in fact they're very different.

Feedback is information we share with individuals so they know how they come across to others. Feedback simply describes a person's behavior and impact in a non-judgmental way. A good analogy for feedback is holding up a mirror to reflect back to an individual what others see. Often this illuminates a person's blind spot about their own behavior, so they know how others experience them.

Where feedback is descriptive, coaching is prescriptive coaching provides guidance for needed improvement, and states what individuals should do better or differently to be more effective. A good analogy for coaching is a roadmap showing which route to take. Coaching is directive and calls out more desirable behavior and outcomes. Why does this distinction matter? Because feedback opens the door for coaching. When you lead with feedback, coaching is usually better received and more effective. Try this approach to see for yourself.


Coaching and Feedback: The SBI Model


Emotional Intelligence: So What Now?