On The Job Training Techniques
For new and developing employees
As a new or developing employee, learning new workplace techniques can be vital
Discover how adults learn best and explore a model for on-the-job training that includes trainer actions before, during and after training.
Course Length: TBD
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On The Job Training Techniques Course:
This collection highlights the importance of OJT for new and developing employees doing all types of work at all levels in the organization.
Learn the model for on the job training at your own speed
On the job training helps employees navigate the four stages of acquiring new skills. Learning success comes not by skipping steps, but by working through each step to reach the point of mastery.
Along with that, adults learn better – and faster – when they can learn at their own speed and when they feel there is a practical application. They want to know “what’s in it for me?” to learn something new. A simple model for on-the-job training includes actions to take before, during, and after training. You don’t simply show up and train. To be successful, ‘lean in’ to the process.
What to expect before, during and after training
Prior to providing training, take time to prepare yourself and the person being trained.
While you are in the process of your training, follow a sequence of “tell – show – do – review.”
Once training is complete, don’t back away immediately and completely after training. You have an ongoing role.
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